Tuesday, December 11, 2018

God is Pulling Me Through- 6 months!

oh my gosh you guys.

this week. ROCKED.

i am sorry you didnt hear from me last week. but mejor asi les prometo jaja [it's better that way I promise). It wasnt a good week.

i want to expain all the beautiful miracles that have happened this week. first off i will just say i went 3 days without a panic attack, and i have never felt happier and with more energy. grateful for mission president, companion, doctor, family, EVERYTHING!!!

i got to perform savior of the world twice this weekend and it was amazing!!!!

so changes!!!! i will be going to the ward moroni, center of asuncion, with lots of americans and the nicest house in the mission. they treat you good when you have to go to the doctor every week!!! lol. i will be good.

in my last interview with president, i asked him what to do when i cant find faith. when things are just so hard that the hope dies, and faith seems so far. and he said, "first, surround yourself with strong people." i luckily spent this week with an amazing hermana leader who helped me beyond belief!!!! definition of a strong person. then he said, "second, as soon as you get to your good times, drop to your knees and beg God to help you remember to stay strong in the hard times." i am now entering a good time, and i have never spent more time on my knees. so however your situation may be at this time, i invite you to prepare. i invite you to strengthen your faith NOW. like our prophet has declared, the times are hastening, and it will require the constant companionship of the holy ghost to stay strong and not fall. so prepare now, and DONT FALL!!! and if you have fallen, find someone, preferably Jesus Christ, to help you back up.

dont give up on a friday. because sunday will come.

hermana thomas

i got to despidir [say goodbye] to my old area a little bit and friday night was SO FUN there was a giant zone activity in mariona and we got to talk about iluminar su fe [lighting your faith]!!!! it was so awesome!!!! enjoy pictures for once lol. ALSO 6 MONTHS DOWN

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