Monday, September 24, 2018

Dance and "Swim"

Hey ya all!!! it was a really good week!!! I am feeling much better here and its been a good week.

its crazy to be with hermana dewitt a third change, but we arent complaining!!! hahaha.

the heat has ARRIVED folks. I am constantly wet. I change outfits like twice a day because I soak through my clothes lol its so fetching gross but everyone says I will get used to it.

things have been a little slow with the work, but we are gonna keep working hard and if all we can do is plant some seeds then thats okay!! we dont have to see all the fruit right now.

I am really happy and grateful. Let me know if I can help any of you all with anything!!

love you all!!

hermana thomas

photos, we got to help the young women get ready for a dance!!! it was really cool and fun!!! we love our ward

its real hot so we decided to "swim". lol. jk, but the photo opt was too much to pass up!!!

There's also a picture of the church and of the street :)

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