Monday, July 2, 2018

Paraguayan Mashed Potatoes

Hola everyone!

It is TRUE I am here in Paraguay. And oh my goodness I LOVE IT!! and I am not just saying that. This has been one of the funnest weeks of my life. My companion is Hermana Dewitt, and she is from Mesa Arizona. SO I CAN SPEAK ENGLISH!!!! Speaking english feels amazing sometimes is such a nice break. She is also my twin. We both played soccer all growing up, and we got to play this morning because our president gave our zone pres permission to let us all play! it was SO FUN and I havent completely lost all my skills yet. she is the best !!! i am so grateful she is my trainer.

I havent actually taught many lessons yet, a lot of our appointments and investigators just really struggled and fell through this week. My comp felt super super bad about it, she kept saying this doesnt normally happen and she felt like a bad mom, thats what they call trainers here, but I told her even though I want to teach and get going in that aspect, I am just so happy that I actually like it here and I am having fun, and the teaching part can come more in the next couple weeks.

There is a family in the ward here called familia Lopez. They take such good care of the missionaries, so i am very well taken care of here. They are mas o menos crazy, but in a good way. The mom reminds me of the grandma from Moana hahaha. They feed us twice a week and do our laundry. Its honestly amazing.

My trip here was super normal and I slept almost all of both flights. Heavenly father has blessed me, and my mom because I know she worries about my sleep haha, to sleep like nobodys business here in Paraguay. Its usually such a good thing but not so much during church, hehe.

The president and his wife are amazing and take such good care of us. Hermana Evans [the mission president's wife] is just like my mom in so many ways and it's so comforting. They picked me up from the airport and just looked like two angels walking through the airport as I was trying to figure out where to go. They are incredible.

The language is coming slowly. I know it will come slower since i have an American comp, but it's worth it for me to be able to speak English to her. hahaha. It's already improved a lot, i understand very little, but it will come.

It's not hot here yet but it's coming.... i am so scared!!

We walk most places or ride colectivos, crazy buses just like the ones in Harry Potter. hahahah!! The decorations are even similar. Paraguayan men are pretty gross, and they really like Americans, so we get cat called pretty regularly. We have to work on not laughing, but it's pretty funny sometimes.

The people are amazing. The kids are my favorite. There's a family who has a 7 year old named Eric and he already loves me. He talks my ear off even tho I can't understand a thing he says. I don't think he cares if i understand he just wants someone to listen to him haha, he sat by me in church on Sunday and he's a good little pal. He's the one who looks low key creepy in the picture of me and the boys at the table.
Anyway i am VERY HAPPY and so excited for this new adventure!! Also to explain my subject line, i told my comp i wasn't too picky but for some reason i hate mashed potatoes. First meal in the mission was a big plate of mashed potatoes!!! Hahahaha so random. She said it was her first time having them here in Paraguay. Super funny. and yes family, i ATE IT ALL. impressive right!!?

Love you all!!

Hermana Thomas

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