Friday, July 6, 2018

Hot Chocolate and Fireworks

Hola everyone,

Happy Fourth of July!!! When my comp reminded me the fourth of july was coming up last week, we both just got so sad! it was pretty funny and sad. When the day came, I think God knew we would need a little extra strength. We decided to have some fun and dress really fourth of july like, even though it was freezing cold and no one in paraguay knows anything about the fourth of july. Lol. But we saw so many tender mercies!!! You will see in my pictures that I got to have A HOT DOG!! on the fourth of july! just like summer nights at home. we also got our hands on these like smoke things, they werent fireworks because we arent allowed to have those and they didnt have sparklers, but these smoke things were super sick and familia lopez didnt know what was going on but we explained the holiday to them and stuff and they joined in on the fun and man it was just a blast. We were so so blessed and it made being away from home a little less difficult!!! so grateful for Gods tender mercies.
Including the MTC, i have been here for one month! crazy how much I feel like i have grown in just one month. Also crazy that it is one month down!!! I am super excited for what is ahead of me.
Also included in the pictures is a picture of one of our investigators Cristian, and his little brother angel!! and their PARROT! haha they are the coolest kids ever. Cristian is like a straight up newsie. we see him every day selling stuff on the street, and he takes such good care of his mom and he is so funny. he makes me teach him english all the time and makes fun of every mistake i make in Spanish. he has such a strong testimony at such a young age, he is really excited to be baptized in a couple weeks. that kid just emulates the light of Christ and what this gospel is all about. He also looks like my cousin derek!! you cant tell a ton in this picture but they have the same dimples and everything. I was pretty mindblown when I saw him for the first time.

Funny story, we were walking down a road around 7 or 8 and it was pretty dark and we were feeling a little sketchy, but we were really close to our appointment. This guy started walking down the road towards us and he seemed pretty drunk. My comp immediately had the idea to clap on the house we were next to at that moment before the dude got any closer, and IMMEDIATELY this 18 year old kid comes out of the house and we just start fumbling through a contact and talking about the church and stuff. The drunk guy walked past us and everything and didn't even look in our direction, but this kid like seemed genuninely interested in our message and we have a return cita for this week. Funny how God works sometimes!! haha!!

The people here are so so nice to me. They love my hair for some reason because its kind of an interesting color, so the women in the ward constantly touch my hair and tell me i look like a movie star and stuff. It's super funny. Makes me feel pretty good. Even though i can't speak Spanish they still think I'm awesome and give me hugs and stuff !!! It's a good thing they like me here because theres a good chance I will spend a third of my mission in this area, so i better make it good!!!

The biggest thing i saw this week was how much this is really Gods work. I got a cold and so did my comp and we weren't able to do as much as we would like with all these random meetings and interviews we had as well, but God still got his work done. So even when I fall short or the missionaries fall short, God still finds a way to get those things that need done, done!!! It's SO COOL!!! I am so blessed and happy and grateful. Love this work!!!

Love you all so so much, thanks for all your support!!

Hmna Thomas

PS...The weather here is crazy cold, so fireworks and hot chocolate it is ! The cold sucks, but I hear the heat is worse... so i am counting my blessings. Also included the pic of me dead on the bed so ya'll can see i don't just take fun pictures all the time, lol! My trainer had walked in to ask me if i was ready to go to another cita after a really long cold day of contacting and walking and she found me like that and her first thought was to snap a pic. lol. She is just like me i guess!!

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