Tuesday, August 14, 2018

First Baptism: Enzo

My first baptism!!! it was so awesome!!! I am dedicating this email to enzo because he is SO FUNNY and he deserves it.

So all our lessons with him have been a BLAST. including these funny moments.

"Enzo, when we pray we thank God for what we have and ask him for help with what we need. So you can ask for things in your prayers," Enzo says "IM GONNA ASK FOR A BIKE."

We tell Enzo we shouldnt covet what our neighbor has. he goes on to tell us that his friend covets because we brought him cookies for his birthday and his friend was jealous and went and bought the same cookies. lol.

We went to pick him up for his interview and he wasnt there. it was super stressful and his mom called us a couple hours later to tell us he was coming back. we went to their house and we were waitng for him when a GIANT BUS comes rolling into the backyward I kid you not and enzo clambers out like a boss. and then we were like "why werent you here!!" and he goes "you guys said you were coming at 1 and it was 115 and you werent here yet so i left." hes literally the most boss 9 year old i have ever met.

We also taught him the plan of salvation and when it got to three kingdoms of glory he took the whiteboard from us and turned it into a snowman. lol.

But then the best of all moments was when he got to his interview and he was just so excited. he told our district leader he already knew all the answers and he didnt even have to ask the questions. He had a big smile when he came out and there was an indescrbable light about him. he is so precious!! so grateful for this week and for him. LOVE THE KID!

have a good week, all!!

Hermana Thomas

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