Monday, August 27, 2018

We're All Just Tryin' Here

Hola all!!

So this was an uneventful week in regards to fun things or anything like that happening. But i still have a few things to say!!

Before my mission I looked at missionaries as pretty perfect people. or at least way more perfect than I was. I thought I would go through some magic transformation when I became a missionary that would make me a better person, but that didnt really happen. And I just realized something. Missionaries are just a bunch of young adults doing the best they can. And then I realized something else, every member of this church and everyone on this planet are just people doing the best they can!!! There is no reason to ever feel down on yourself if you mess up because we ALL do. Thats why this is a plan of repentance and why we have Jesus Christ. Anyway thats all super obvious to some people im sure, but its finally starting to click again in my naive mind. We really all are just trying here!! hahaha

I love paraguay. I really do. I love this gospel, I love the hard things, I love the good things. Thank you for your love and support and KEEP THE PRAYERS COMING. also so many of you still read these emails i am shocked. lol!!!

keep looking for the good in yourselves and in others, and when you run into some bad, remember thats what Jesus Christ is there for. and let him lift you and love you.... and keep trying!!!

THANKS ALL!! sorry for no pictures. I have a few but nothing much.

ALSO FELIZ DIA DEL NINO!! they have so many holidays here. Happy Kids day! is what that means haha. tell all the kids I love them and I owe them some sort of present when I am back one day. Even if its just a high five. lol!!!

have a good week all!!

hermana thomas

Monday, August 20, 2018

Love and Kindness

Hey all,

Hmm... I wonder if people still read these. lol!! I know i always stopped reading consistently after the first month or two. Lol.

My quote of the week is "determine to respond with love and kindness to whatever comes your way." harder than it sounds FOR SURE!! but i am really learning patience and how to control my temper here. you simply have to be nice and patient the majority of the time which is just not my forte sometimes. but Heavenly Father is helping me MUCHISIMO!!!

I have been struggling here and there this past week but hey, God always pulls through, even if it is at the last minute. you have to get knocked down sometimes so God can pull you back up. And He always will, i promise!!

We get to teach the jovenes english now which is suuuuuuper fun!!!! they do not listen. at all. but we call them by english names which is my favorite part. Now santiago always refers to himself as James and it makes me roll with laughter every time. Also Anahi hugs me all the time and says "hermana thomas best friend" and its SO CUTE!!! and they are starting to teach the really little kids how to say "i love you" and there is nothing more adorable i promise.

Thank you all for your support and love. We feel your prayers, keep them coming!!! love you all sooooo much and let me know if there is anything i can do for any of you!!

Hermana Thomas

Pictures: teaching the jovenes English, and me and Ello!! she is way cuter than this idk why she does what she does in photos.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

First Baptism: Enzo

My first baptism!!! it was so awesome!!! I am dedicating this email to enzo because he is SO FUNNY and he deserves it.

So all our lessons with him have been a BLAST. including these funny moments.

"Enzo, when we pray we thank God for what we have and ask him for help with what we need. So you can ask for things in your prayers," Enzo says "IM GONNA ASK FOR A BIKE."

We tell Enzo we shouldnt covet what our neighbor has. he goes on to tell us that his friend covets because we brought him cookies for his birthday and his friend was jealous and went and bought the same cookies. lol.

We went to pick him up for his interview and he wasnt there. it was super stressful and his mom called us a couple hours later to tell us he was coming back. we went to their house and we were waitng for him when a GIANT BUS comes rolling into the backyward I kid you not and enzo clambers out like a boss. and then we were like "why werent you here!!" and he goes "you guys said you were coming at 1 and it was 115 and you werent here yet so i left." hes literally the most boss 9 year old i have ever met.

We also taught him the plan of salvation and when it got to three kingdoms of glory he took the whiteboard from us and turned it into a snowman. lol.

But then the best of all moments was when he got to his interview and he was just so excited. he told our district leader he already knew all the answers and he didnt even have to ask the questions. He had a big smile when he came out and there was an indescrbable light about him. he is so precious!! so grateful for this week and for him. LOVE THE KID!

have a good week, all!!

Hermana Thomas

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Hermanas Play Partido

Hola all,


This week was week of amistad! which is basically "week of friends". yeah, i thought the same thing. if you ever need to friendzone anyone just bring them to paraguay during that week and it will be super easy. LOL! So cute though. our whole ward drew names and got presents for each other. my comp drew my name and literally just brought me a bon bon. so that was a bummer lol but pretty funny.

We MIGHT have a baptism this weekend for Enzo! hes a 9 year old in our ward who just hasnt been baptized yet. guys this kid is SO FUNNY. we taught him the story of nephi commanding his brothers to touch him not and we used my picture book, and nephi like has his arm sticking out when he says that and enzo kept walking up to everyone and doing that until they would freeze or fall or something i was crying i was laughing so hard. also him and his brother are BOSS at soccer. and they are building a tree house that is the coolest thing i have ever seen. i guarantee children in paraguay had cooler childhoods than yall, lol. they do it right.

last p day i got to ROLLER SKATE! it was so fun!!!! and funny hahahahaha!!! the youth crashed our p day which was pretty annoying but it ended up being fun. i am gonna try and send a vid of me skating, lol. i am usually way better than in the video the ground was just rough okay! haha

TENDER MERCY, so there is this house we eat lunch at that i am just not a fan of because they have tons of cats and dogs that like to crawl all over me while i eat and i just am super high maintenance i guess and dont love that. but anyway i was having a real rough morning and didnt want to go to that appointment but we decided to just go anyway, and i am sitting there and i see this harry potter mug in the sink and i go "hey, i love harry potter" and oh my heck everyone flipped. they started showing me videos of their daughters harry potter quincinera and it was the sickest thing i have ever seen. lo and behold my least favorite lunch turns into my favorite!!!! haha super fun.

well i LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Hmna Thomas

PS. Photos
photo 1, angela and marina playing this flour game. funny story, angela, the 11 year old, asked me one time if i knew how to dance "funky", and everyone freaked out because thats apparently real innapropriate dance and i had responded "idk maybe a little" cuz i didnt know what it was. lol!!! little did i know i do NOT dance funky!
Cristian and Angel, still dont know whats gonna happen with cristian, but we love seeing them !!! and its cool their bird likes to hang with me.

Mission Photos
