Thursday, June 21, 2018

Letter to Family- Funny Stories


oh my heck i have never been so scared and excited for anything. i am currently very tired and out of it i am usually more positive about this whole thing but guys i am SO SCARED to leave on monday. the lord protects his missionaries i know it!!! but last time i protected the missionaries in the airport, who is gonna protect me ?! lol. jk i know i will be fine.

so mom my companion is the shorter more stout girl, hermana guerrerro is the girl who speaks english. we are close because she lives right on the border in tiajuana so she is more americanized than the other girls. she loves my voice and always asks me to sing and she always wants me to sing alto she can learn how. its pretty cute.

so someone just YELLED in the computer lab *my girlfriend just dear johned me!!!* hahaha and everyone clapped and all the elders went and hugged him. hes like 3 weeks into the MTC so clearly they werent too meant to be.

sorry about fathers day dad!! HAPPY FATHERS DAY YOU ARE THE BEST DAD EVER. i seriously have a newfound respect for you and the whole mission thing, and dylan and kyle hahaha. and amanda with scout camp. i didnt realize how much i loved all of you until i didnt have you 24 7 i guess!!!

dylan i am super glad you had emotional issues too. i had a breakdown in class when i couldnt understand something that was said very slowly at least 10 times and my teachers basically became my counselors for an hour and had everyone but me go study and they showed me all these videos about stress hahahaha. it was SO embarrassing. i told my teacher, one of them speaks english but he didnt tell me that until i literally was sobbing lol, that you said you hated how dramatic hermanas are and how i dont wanna be the dramatic hermana LOL. and he was so nice and he said *every hermana is dramatic and every elder is somewhat lazy and dumb. so stop trying to fight and let yourself be dramatic* hahaha it was pretty funny. i promise that was my only breakdown this week everyone!!! hahaha. but it was a pretty embarrassing one.

my teacher served his mission in paraguay so he has taught me a lot of guarani. i know like 8 to 10 phrases now. and i really do think my spanish is improving. i can get my message across almost always.

i loved loved this lesson i had saturday. our teacher was being our investigator and i testified to him, a fake investigator, that we can do all things through christ. his story is his girlfriend isnt talking to him right now and his kids, but he wants to get baptized so he has to marry her and it all felt so real and i testified with true sincerity that he would be able to find a way to be baptized because christ needs him and his family needs him. it was so cool and i was like sobbing and so was he and so was my comp. if i can feel that kind of love and sincerity for a fake investigator, i can barely imagine how awesome it will be in the field.

i love you all so so so MUCH!!!

funny stories

elder rojas always talks really slow so i can understand and its a pretty big joke in the district. now everyone does everything slow. when someone gives someone a high five, someone will say *do that slower so hermana thomas can understand* and then they proceed to do a DEATHLY slow high five. its really funny.

theres actually another american in the 3 week program from utah and he is HILARIOUS. he reminds me of kyle. really tall and lanky and he says the funniest things. and he has dylans rule about speaking spanish with people who speak english so whenever i say *hola elder como esta?* he says *im good how you doing?* hahaha. its funny.

my district gets in trouble a lot for some reason. my theory is its because the american leaders think we are talking about innapropriate things when we speak spanish, but they arent innapropriate things lol! they just assume it is!!! its weird. so whenever we smile and laugh they freak out like somebody just quoted like... the lyrics to despacito or something. ahahahaha!! i dont think people are disobedient. but maybe moms right and i am a spirit of the law type gal.

love you all mucho!! also mom, my comp has taught me how to iron better and also how to fold a sheet. hahaha. she thinks im so stupid but she still helps me. its pretty hilarious.

love you all!!

hermana mal pal

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