Monday, October 29, 2018

A Healthy Companion in Time for Transfers

Hey yall!!!
Good news!! Hermana Dewitt is feeling MUCH better. i am very very happy!! but now that we are back in the groove of things, i will be getting a new companion here in laurelty tomorrow!! everyone start praying for her that she can handle me, you all of all people should know just how tough that is, ahahaha.

GUESS WHAT! i get to play Mary in savior of the world. i just found out today that i will be performing that with a few other missionaries at a bunch of church open houses in paraguay during december!! so that will be so awesome!! this december we have a goal for 100 baptisms in our mission though and they made it very clear to me that this isnt a chance to slack off in the work, but to work twice as hard to do something else extra and cool.

i am sad to say bye to hermana dewitt, but excited to hear about her new adventures. everyone in this area is going to miss her so much, and me most of all. but i am excited for her.

i testify that God lives and that this is His church. there is no doubt in my mind. "hes calling your name, hes waiting for you, with arms open wide, come unto christ."

my fav investigator right now is Yanina! she is an angel. and she is SO SMART!! we are very similar and love to talk. wish we could speak in english or that i knew spanish better because we could talk for hours!! she is loving everything about our church because she says she feels something undescribable when we talk to her and that everything we say makes sense. thats because the spirit and because this church is TRUE!!

alsoooo avalos is doing well still but their grandma is sick and struggling, so the boys couldnt come to church. we are hoping to get more of their family members at our church open house this weekend. there is lots of potential in the area and things are coming!!

keep the prayers up. love you all.

a few pictures so yall dont forget what i look like

Monday, October 22, 2018

Living on a Million Prayers

Hey all,

wow. i am so tired. and grateful!! but mostly tired. seeing and singing for the prophet today was incredible, it really was and we are so grateful!!!!!!!!!! i am so certain he is the prophet of God.

this week my companion passed out. thursday night, we were in a family home evening and she started to feel woozy so i called a member to come pick us up, by the time they got there, she was really bad and she passed out. it was insane, i cant even put into words how exhausted i am and how insane this week has been, but God is real and he helps us.

we were able to get her to the hospital thursday night and to a better hospital friday morning. we stayed in the hospital until saturday night. they arent positive still what happened to her, and she is still struggling and has to sleep all the time and eat all the time and all the things, but we are figuring things out. we are going to second doctor tomorrow morning, and are hopeful they will be able to tell us more. plus we have the blessing and help of a prophet which is amazing.

shout out to all you mothers out there, especially my own. taking care of another person is a lot of pressure and i am exhausted and it has been less than a week. but i feel the strength of your prayers and the prayers of everyone all around the world. KEEP EM COMING!!

the work is going and we do a little where we can, but God is taking care of it for now.

i love you all, thanks for your support!!!

hermana thomas

Monday, October 15, 2018

Life in Laurelty

Hola todos,

First i have to apologize for like half my email last week being in Spanish. hahaha i just wanted my grandparents to understand really well, but it wasn't great Spanish anyway so they may not have even gotten it! lol

familia avalos is doing well. josias and alexander are 11 years old and 8 years old and they are progressing the most!!! they are awesome.

we found a new this week of an inactive returned missionarys girlfriend, he saw us and was super excited and started saying all of the english missionary words he had learned on his mission. he then told us he wants to marry his girlfriend before his birthday and he wants to help her get baptized on the same day so that they can raise their family in the church. they are REALLY awesome!!

the prophet comes next monday!!! yay!!! everyone is excited and nervous. so cool that he is going to speak to the people of pĂ raguay. general conference is awesome, but honestly watching it here with paraguayan people made me realize just how white everyone is in utah. lol!! our investigators were very confused as to what they were watching. we explained the best we could, but it was still pretty funny and foreign to them. so the fact that the prophet is going to specifically talk to these people will be REALLY awesome!!

remember you are loved and wanted. i bore my testimony yesterday, and i talked about basically how tired i am, and how tired we all are. lol!! life can be exhausting and sometimes we feel we are asked to sacrifice a lot. but when we think in the atonement and our savior, who made the ultimate sacrifice, our burdens can be made much lighter. going to bed early helps too!! hahahaha

i love you all. thank you for your prayers and love. there is life and work in this area now and i am so happy. Love you all!!!

hermana thomas

LOOK MOM!! i asked my comp to take a pic of me cooking. well, my exact words were "take a pic of me moving this meat around with a spatula."

my cute bff angela. she calls us and asks to hangout almost every day. we only take her up on it every other day. hahahaha!

Josias and alexander their first sunday at normal church!

super fancy breakfast place!!! i felt like a queen!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Light Has Returned

Hey yall,

Emailing early today cuz i have an all day practice pretty much because the PROPHET IS COMING HERE AND WE ARE SINGING AND I AM SO EXCITED ITS NOT EVEN REAL!!!

THIS WEEK WAS THE BEST WEEKEND EVER!!! you guys. a family came to conference with us!! familia avalos. they are amazing! there was a plum crazy storm and they still came and i was so so so happy!! we asked god for a miracle and he gave it to us!!

there also was another new investigator. her name is janina. when we taught her she said after "when you guys clapped at my door i looked over and i immediately had ganas to cry. i think they call that feeling the spirit in the bible." and we were like UH HECK YEAH THATS WHAT IT WAS!!

i am so so so so so happy. every talk in conference was for me also FELICIDADES TODOS PARA EL NUEVO TEMPLO EN SAN JUAN!! yo gritaba muy fuerte y los demas misioneros saltaron de sus sillas. jaja ellos no sabian que soy media puertorequena y estaban muy soprendidos. yo lloraba pensando en mi abuela y abuelo toda mi familia. nunca he sentido el espiritu tan fuerte que en este conferencia.

there is so much more!! also light has returned because we have power again and also a new light inside me has just rekindled and i have never felt more joy.

i thank you all for everything!

hermana thomas

no pictures or anything because i am on a very sketch computer. next week!!!

PS from MOM. Translation from Mallory's Spanish tangent :)
“Congratulations to all about the new San Juan Temple. I screamed really loud and all of the other missionaries jumped out of their chairs. They didn’t know I am half Puerto Rican. I cried as I thought of my grandma and grandpa and the rest of my family. I’ve never felt the spirit stronger than I did in that conference”

Monday, October 1, 2018

Living by Candlelight

Que tal!!!???
things are GREAT HERE!!! well things arent actually that fantastic, but i feel very happy. the power has been out for three days hahaha and we are almost out of candles and everything is melting but the gospel is still true and God still loves me thus i am very happy lol.

guys this are is on the VERGE of good things and we are working hard!! its gonna get there!! i dont know if we will be the missionaries who see the results of it but things are gonna happen and good stuff is happening!!!

Elder Gong is coming in november and i get to sing in a musical number for him!!! i am very very excited!!!!! practicing is crazy cuz i see all the missionaries and i get socially overwhelmed lol but its also very fun!!!!

keep praying and keep loving, thanks for all the love and prayers!!

hermana thomas

photos: going out with Mariana on a visita, which she handled very well. a very angry grandmother got mad at us for being there and she said "i just want to give this book i like to my friend, is that okay" SO CUTE AND SO GOOD!!

that watermelon was fetching huge and delicious. they gave me a huge piece cuz they said they heard americans like watermelons.

Mission Photos
