Monday, September 24, 2018

Dance and "Swim"

Hey ya all!!! it was a really good week!!! I am feeling much better here and its been a good week.

its crazy to be with hermana dewitt a third change, but we arent complaining!!! hahaha.

the heat has ARRIVED folks. I am constantly wet. I change outfits like twice a day because I soak through my clothes lol its so fetching gross but everyone says I will get used to it.

things have been a little slow with the work, but we are gonna keep working hard and if all we can do is plant some seeds then thats okay!! we dont have to see all the fruit right now.

I am really happy and grateful. Let me know if I can help any of you all with anything!!

love you all!!

hermana thomas

photos, we got to help the young women get ready for a dance!!! it was really cool and fun!!! we love our ward

its real hot so we decided to "swim". lol. jk, but the photo opt was too much to pass up!!!

There's also a picture of the church and of the street :)

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sunday Will Come

Hey all,

First things first. I know you were all worried about what my changes would be, and you have all been praying really hard... and welp, your prayers worked, cuz this hija [daughter] is staying with her mom one more change!!!! lol!!!! this does not happen often, but WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!!! hahahha the mom and hija now become sisters WOO WOO!!

i am so glad training is over. everyone and their dog can tell when you are in your training. its the literal worst. i already feel a huge weight off my shoulders. hahaha!!

guys, this talk Sunday Will Come, is so good! my sister sent it to me and it changed my life man. it talks about how sometimes like on metaphorical fridays life can really suck, but eventually it will get better. like some day it has to get better. So this phrase entered my mind, DONT GIVE UP ON A FRIDAY.

i have had many metaphorical fridays in the mission. where i feel like life couldnt possibly improve, or that i wasnt worthy or earned the blessings of Heaven, or i said something stupid in spanish, etc, etc. and in those moments, yeah, i didnt wanna keep going really. its hard to want to keep going when you feel like things cant improve, but thats they key, things WILL GET BETTER! Sunday Will come!!! maybe not when or how you expect, but it will, especially if you are watching for it.

sister craig and sister bingham came to visit!! it was AMAZING!! even a few relief society members from clear out in the indian tribes out far got to come into watch them, they dont speak spanish, but the spirit was there!!

thank you for your prayers. KEEP THEM COMING!!! and keep sharing light and smiles. the world needs more of that.

Hermana Thomas

photo 1, hermana dewitt and i got to help and a church open house. this super cool orchestra played, i felt like i was on a school field trip.
photo 2, me and this adorable child Nahiara. the white handbook says not to have children in your lap, but if a cute 3 year old asked you in guarani to sit in your lap and started to pull herself up, YOU WOULD BE WEAK TOO. lol

Monday, September 10, 2018

Mini Mission Activity

hey all,

good week. it flew by!!! many tears, much laughter, just like always!!! we had our mini mission activity this week, it was super awesome!!! we had all the youth come to the church and we taught them a little bit about what its like to be a missionary and got them hyped to serve missions one day. we also took them out to teach less actives and we were supposed to go in with them but then we ended up ditching them on the doorstep and it was AWESOME.

I hate when i accidentally hit enter. grr!!!!

but it was also zone conference this week. super awesome!!!

i got to sing!!

things have been good here!! we really have been trying to get people to come to church, because they cant get baptized unless they come!! so if anyone has any brilliant ideas of how to trick someone into being at church at 830 on a sunday morning let me know!! just kidding. no tricks necessary in the work of god!!! it will happen. hahahah!!

if yall didnt see the face to face devotional [with Elder Cook] last night YOU NEED TO!!!! answered so many questions for me!!!

well i hope you are all happy!!! let me know if i can do anything for any of you!!! have an awesome week!! also i recorded a song that has helped me a lot here in the mission!! enjoy!!

hermana thomas

Monday, September 3, 2018

No Time Homies

Hey yall,

Im about to slightly lie and say i have no time to write today, but the fact is I really just wanna write my fam some solid stuff because i got a new niece!!! YAY!!!! i hope you are all happy and remember God loves you and Jesus Christ is ready for you.

have a good week!!!

hermana thomas

Mission Photos
